Clean Air Bradford Newsletter – 29th March 2019

Date for your diary!

A General Meeting – Wednesday, 10th April at 7.30pm – Tambourine Café,  Bingley Road, Saltaire BD18 4RU.

We will be taking stock of where we are, and deciding on next moves.

It is worth noting that officers at Bradford Council who are working hard to tight deadlines and are in close contact with colleagues at DEFRA, are keen to engage with us. Although they cannot be represented at this particular meeting because of purdah (with Council elections coming up in early May), they would like to meet and consult with us from May onwards. So that is very encouraging.  

Schools Focus Meeting – Wednesday, 27th March

The school sub-group have been moving ahead with working with the local Shipley schools.  They met with a parent from Myrtle Park school in Bingley who had run an anti-idling campaign at the school.  The group are now working with Darren (from Myrtle Park) to produce a pack and resources that other schools in Bradford can use to encourage parents to not leave engines running at school drop off and pick up.  The group have also been seeking funds for the work with the schools in Shipley to run parent forums and produce resources.

The group are also gearing up for Walk to School Week, which is being organised by the national charity Living Streets from 20th to 24th May 2019; and National Clean Air Day on 20th June (see the links below). Living Streets and local people would like to see coordinated actions across schools in Shipley and beyond, to highlight the call for Clean Air.  More information to come on this.

Anyone is very welcome to join the schools group – please email Darren Parkinson – , and he will add you to the list – Anna Watson

Walk to School Week, 20th to 24th May (Living Streets):

National Clean Air Day, 20th June 2019:

Report from a ‘Born in Bradford’ Community Consultation Event, 27th February 2019

Born in Bradford hosted a community consultation event on the 27th February 2019 in Bowling Park Lodge, to hear more about community views about different ways of improving air quality within the district.

Three people from Clean Air Bradford were represented at the event.  

Discussions focused around acceptability of implementing charging clean air zones, and around a host of different types of measures which would improve air quality. Born in Bradford will be summarising the findings of the event and will be sharing with Bradford council.  

Born in Bradford are also developing research plans to evaluate the impact of any initiatives to improve air quality on health outcomes of children and adults.

If you would like more information, please contact me, Programme Director for Born in Bradford – – Rosie McEachan

Youth Climate Strike – Friday, 15th March

On Friday, 15th March , to coincide with the youth climate strike, Anna Watson of Baildon Friends of the Earth was involved in running a three-hour workshop on climate change for approximately 60 Titus Salts pupils.  The workshop covered what causes climate change, what the impacts are, how to engage with others on the issue and what actions the young people would like to see Bradford Council take on climate change – now they have declared a climate emergency. The young people were very engaged and had lots of ideas.  We hope to be able to support them in taking them forward.

Primary School children from across Bradford were also involved with the Climate Strike. There was a photo-call in Centenary Square and the front of City Hall, followed by hospitality for both children and parents across the road at the Capital of Cycling hub, Hall Ings.  

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