Our Newsletter no 3 – 18th June 2019

Below is some information about UK Clean Air Day, 20th June 2019; and where we stand now in relation to Bradford Council and other bodies.

Many of you are involved with schools and other clean air campaigning activity – and thank you all very much!

Various events are planned in Bradford. Do make your way along to any of these you can.

The following message was posted in Facebook by Darren Parkinson (parent at Wycliffe Primary School in Shipley and the main schools coordinator):

“Clean Air Bradford Schools Group have been working on rolling out the ‘anti-idling’ campaign first started at Myrtle Park School in Bingley.

“Clean Air Day will see us launch the campaign at three Shipley Primary Schools that are in areas of illegal air pollution – Saltaire Primary, Wycliffe and Shipley C of E.

“On Clean Air Day children, parents and teachers will be handing out leaflets and talking to parents at these schools about why leaving your engine running when dropping off your kids at school is harmful to children’s health and encouraging them to find other ways to transport their children to school if possible.

“’Please don’t leave engines on’ Banners designed by children at Myrtle Park School will also be put up at key points outside the schools.

“Hopefully we’ll see some positive change as a result of this!”

In addition to all of this, Bradford Council are rolling out a public engagement programme, in collaboration with Born in Bradford (BiB) and other organisations such as Well Bradford and Bradford Trident. The Council have engaged the services of a consultancy called SYSTRA, to help them with this:


Our prime contact at Bradford Council is Andrew Whittles, who is project managing the BradfordAir Quality Plan (BAQP) with a large interdisciplinary team.  The Council are under enormous pressure to report to DEFRA and achieve compliance with the EU Limit Value for NO2 in the shortest possible timescale. an Outline Business Case (OBC) is to be submitted to the Government by 31st October 2019.

Bradford Council’s Executive Committee on 11th June 2019 noted the following report:

https://bradford.moderngov.co.uk/documents/g7093/Public reports pack 11th-Jun-2019 10.30 Executive.pdf?T=10

It was resolved – (1) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director, Health and Wellbeing and Strategic Director, Place in consultation with the Portfolio Holders Healthy People & Places and Regeneration, Planning & Transport for the purposes of initial engagement, Outline Business Case (OBC) submission and subsequent consultation. (2) That the process by which line of sight will be provided to Members throughout the development of the Bradford Air Quality Plan to Full Business Case be approved. ACTION: Strategic Director Health and Wellbeing.

The following day, 12th June, Mr Whittles and colleagues met with approximately a dozen of us from Clean Air Bradford representing a range of areas of expertise. A process of public consultation and engagement (as referred to in the above report) is starting up. We discussed a wide range of matters in a constructive manner.

To quote direct from the report that was presented to the Council’s Executive:

“The proposed BAQP Communication and Engagement Programme will include:

· Dedicated Members workshop/s – potentially facilitated by Born in Bradford (BiB has already undertaken focus activity on the BAQP development)

· Use Clean Air Day, 20th June, to launch community/stakeholder engagement exercises to inform the development of the OBC

· Targeted focus activity on seldom heard communities (4 areas of the City) and Keighley and Shipley – potentially facilitated by BiB

· Engagement seeking feedback on the perceptions of air quality and health impacts and measures to improve air quality, including funding support to mitigate against any distributional impacts of the BAQP – this will directly inform the development of the OBC

· Provision of a dedicated, branded website

· Full public/Statutory consultation design, delivery and feedback analysis to inform the preparation of the FBC

· Stated Preference survey completed (largest SP survey carried out by a Directed authority)”

Clearly it is hoped that Clean Air Bradford will be an important stakeholder in all of this, and we look forward to developing a positive dialogue with the Council and with BiB, Well Bradford and other partners.

Mr Whittles advises as follows, concerning Clean Air Day:

“…We will be raising awareness on roadside VMS [variable message signs] and we have press releases going out.

“The screen in City Park and our Facebook and Twitter feeds will also be raising awareness of air pollution using some material from the Global Action Plan national resource.

“Our Score team/ Well Bradford and the University will be having air quality monitoring workshops at Shipley CoE

“BiB and Leeds University will be doing air quality monitoring with St Stephens, West Bowling”.

Cecil Green Arts will be working in various schools too, and we are grateful for the support they are providing for both the Council and Clean Air Bradford:


I hope this helps bring you up to date. Thanks again for your commitment and involvement with Clean Air Day or more generally.

James Craig – Clean Air Bradford contact; and coordinator of Baildon Friends of the Earth  

What is Clean Air Bradford?

Clean Air Bradford is a broad alliance of individuals, groups and organisations taking action to improve air quality in the Bradford district. As an informal coalition, it is open to all and supported by Baildon Friends of the Earth – one of the founding groups – who provide any formal governance arrangements Clean Air Bradford might need.

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